Modern front-end architectures with React

One year ago, I was writing about my choice of React as a robust platform for advanced UI development. The JavaScript community has evolved a lot since then, but React still is one of the most mature UI frameworks out there and we do not see this changing for the foreseeable future. Today, let’s have a look into how we use it to build modern web applications.

React’s patents grant

I have been using React at work and personally for more than a year now. It’s been a great experience overall, and this library seems to be having a profound impact on front-end development (in good and bad ways). There is a lot of FUD around React’s PATENTS file. I’m no lawyer, so this blog post is just a list to the resources I have gathered over time on the topic.

NodeSchool Oulu

I’ve been a big fan of NodeSchool for a while. Now is the time to start a new chapter!

Reliable front-end building blocks

Having just shipped a big “single-page app” project, I think it would be useful to list all of its dependencies among the current climate of dependency burnout in front-end land. Those were all very stable and easy to combine.