Disclaimer: this blog post contains a high amount of unreserved enthusiasm about Wagtail and its community.
A few months ago I attended a Wagtail development sprint, hosted by team Lukkien in the Netherlands. This made me realise the breadth of jobs Wagtail is used for, some very different from what we do with it here at Springload. It prompted me to create Awesome Wagtail, a curated list of useful (well, awesome) resources from the Wagtail community. If you haven’t heard of “awesome-*” lists before, they’re a recent alternative to wikis for open-source communities to curate resources collaboratively. Some of the most popular lists range from Node.js to JMeter, with Pokémon in the mix, too!
In the spirit of such a list, let’s have a look at what the Wagtail community is up to.