How can you tell if a site is made with Wagtail or not? There are more ways than people might think at first sight, and after a few years of toying with the idea I finally put together a way to detect Wagtail sites, that strikes a good balance between reliability and convenience. Let’s go birdwatching.
Accessibility wins for Django projects - DjangoCon Europe 2020
Talk at DjangoCon Europe 2020
Testing accessibility in Continuous Integration with Pa11y and beyond
Here are tools I recommend to test for accessibility issues in continuous integration, where automation is the only option, and reliability is paramount.
Reusable UI components – A journey from React to Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2020
This is Ben Dickinson and I’s joint Wagtail Space US 2020 talk about pattern libraries at Torchbox, introducing django-pattern-library.
Accessibility wins for Wagtail projects - Wagtail Space US 2020
I recently gave a talk at Wagtail Space US 2020 about the accessibility of Wagtail websites – following on last year’s talk about the accessibility of the Wagtail admin.