Area chart interaction

Here’s an experiment, with an area chart that changes its shape based on a financial calculation.

Area chart interpolation

Data interpolation makes a big difference to how charts renders. Here are all of the built-in interpolations of D3.

OS//OS in ten tweets

I got to go to the Open Source // Open Society conference here in Wellington thanks to my employer, who was a sponsor. This is probably the conference where I used Twitter the most, so I decided to change my habits and try to summarize it with ten tweets.

My new job at Springload

I just got a new job! I am now a Senior Front-End Developer at Springload, Wellington, New Zealand. This is amazing!

After two years working in the IT & BPS consulting field at CGI, I was fed up with client work and I wanted something new. New Zealand was the right place to look for a job. Springload is the right place to work at. Wellington is a nice place to live in! I got it all!