Here is a small D3 calendar/heatmap visualisation I tried to do to understand how many days’ worth of food would our groceries shopping cover.
GGJ 2015: RubeGoldBash
This post is my post-mortem after the 2015 edition of the Global Game Jam. It was my first Game Jam ever, and I planned to learn the Phaser framework beforehand in order to get going quickly.
It was completely useless, as I decided to build a game in Bash, RubeGoldBash.
The Eloquent JSON Resume theme
I just released something on npm! Actually, my resume theme (Eloquent) has been available in the npm repository for over a month, but now it just reached 1.0.0.
French diaspora in 2011
This dataset comes from the french Open Data Platform, It is visualized using Google’s Public Data Explorer and DSPL language. The data was processed with OpenRefine and Datalift.
Coast to coast walk
The Coast to Coast walk is a 16km hike across Auckland, from the Waitemata Harbour to the Manukau.
Built with GeoJSON, Leaflet, OpenStreetMap. Data from Auckland Transport.