Groceries expenses forecast

Here is a small D3 calendar/heatmap visualisation I tried to do to understand how many days’ worth of food would our groceries shopping cover.

GGJ 2015: RubeGoldBash

This post is my post-mortem after the 2015 edition of the Global Game Jam. It was my first Game Jam ever, and I planned to learn the Phaser framework beforehand in order to get going quickly.

It was completely useless, as I decided to build a game in Bash, RubeGoldBash.

The Eloquent JSON Resume theme

I just released something on npm! Actually, my resume theme (Eloquent) has been available in the npm repository for over a month, but now it just reached 1.0.0.

Coast to coast walk

The Coast to Coast walk is a 16km hike across Auckland, from the Waitemata Harbour to the Manukau.

Built with GeoJSON, Leaflet, OpenStreetMap. Data from Auckland Transport.