A few tips on running engaging remote training workshops, from my experience running short internal training sessions for remote teams.
PyCon US 2021: Web Accessibility ♥ Python
This is a poster presentation for PyCon US 2021, which covers two separate projects:
PyCon US 2021: Building accessibility into open-source projects
This is a lightning talk I gave at PyCon US 2021’s Maintainers Summit, intended for an audience of project maintainers / open-source contributors.
Curlylint: Quality-of-life improvements
Curlylint v0.13.0 is out. It’s a relatively minor release, but comes with a few nice-to-haves for users, and a lot of behind-the-scenes project changes.
Draftail v1.4.0: small improvements
Long time no see! Draftail v1.4.0 is out, another release focused on gradual editor improvements.