Woah, I’m a Django Software Foundation (DSF) board member! This post is the start of a new series, one post a week* for 2024, where I’ll be sharing my journey in the Django universe and on the DSF board specifically.
DSF Board 2024 Elections – New board members 👋
Following our 2024 DSF Board Election Results, here are quick introductions from our two new board members, Sarah Abderemane and Thibaud Colas, elected for a two-year term for 2024-2025.
Terminology and understanding of accessibility in Web Sustainability Guidelines
The Web Sustainability Guidelines are a very new standard, which I’ve been reviewing extensively. There are a number of possible improvements in how accessibility is considered and portrayed in the guidelines.
My rating of web sustainability guidelines
The Web Sustainability Guidelines are a very new standard, which I’ve been reviewing extensively. Here is my personal rating of how useful / appealing I found individiual success criteria.
Wagtail accessibility in 2023 and beyond
We achieved a lot in 2023, and have clear plans for the next few years.