My shortlist of topic ideas I think would be great to see at conferences.
Django accessibility in 2023 and beyond
Happy birthday, Django accessibility team! 🌈
Diversity and inclusion initiatives in the community
A high-level overview of past and current initiatives in the Wagtail community around diversity and inclusion, and potential improvements.
FOSDEM 2024 notes
It was my first time at FOSDEM. I met up with friends, volunteered at the conference, organized an informal accessibility discussion. Great time.
Livestream: Django Trends for 2024
Today at 3pm UTC – Discover the latest trends in the Django ecosystem, based on insights from 4,000 developers who participated in the Django Developers Survey. Join the livestream with Sarah Abderemane, a Django Software Foundation Board member, and Sarah Boyce, a Django Fellow, to reflect on insights from the Django community.