
Sass vs. sass-embedded performance

For all front-end tooling nerds – here’s a quick performance comparison between two implementations of Sass: sass and sass-embedded.


Straight to it – those numbers are the median of three runs:

Package Production build Development watch mode
sass 18.468s 3.212s
sass-embedded 15.307s (20% lower) 2.335s (30% lower)

Measured with Webpack, for Wagtail, in the context of Sass deprecation warnings fixes. This is on a 2019 MacBook Pro. macOS Sonoma 14.4, 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, 16 GB DDR3.

How much code

The above is for 130 .scss files, with 8756 lines of code. Here’s the full cloc output for Wagtail.

Why there are multiple Sass implementations

Historically Sass was written in Ruby and C/C++ I believe. The C/C++ implementation, LibSass, was the most popular for Node tooling users via node-sass. Since then, new implementers took over and rewrote Sass focusing on a Dart implementation: Dart Sass. This is the official implementation now, and it ships as two packages – sass which is a JS-compiled version of the Dart code, and sass-embedded which is a very thin wrapper around a native Dart binary.

For Wagtail – currently we use sass to alleviate any risks of cross-platform compatibility issues (for example macOS users relying on Node tooling within Docker and directly on their machine). In the future we might switch to sass-embedded in the interest of performance.

Full results


Webpack production build (webpack --config ./client/webpack.config.js --mode):

webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 16705 ms
webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 18468 ms
webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 16815 ms
27.55s user 3.44s system 164% cpu 18.820 total
27.51s user 3.37s system 150% cpu 20.473 total
27.07s user 3.20s system 160% cpu 18.900 total

Webpack development build in watch mode (edits on core.scss):

webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 3183 ms
webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 3212 ms
webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 3314 ms

Sass embedded

Webpack production build (webpack --config ./client/webpack.config.js --mode):

webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 15307 ms
webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 17473 ms
webpack compiled with 40 warnings in 14926 ms
25.05s user 3.51s system 168% cpu 16.948 total
26.02s user 3.56s system 150% cpu 19.681 total
24.80s user 3.22s system 165% cpu 16.952 total

Webpack development build in watch mode (edits on core.scss):

webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 2400 ms
webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 2221 ms
webpack compiled with 11 warnings in 2335 ms

Full cloc output

For future reference, this is Wagtail:

Language                      files          blank        comment           code
Python                         8332         284435         313969        1631855
PO File                        3617         260968          95300         759786
JSON                            503            332              0         179094
HTML                           1122           5423             43         108638
JavaScript                      572          12091           8303          73143
Markdown                        233          11704             91          27626
XML                              11             12           3193          27275
Text                            250           1259              0          16329
TypeScript                      145           2118           2647          14170
SVG                             189              0              4          10851
CSS                              79           1910            855          10759
SCSS                            130           1746            789           8756
reStructuredText                153           2469           1291           4565
TeX                              27            298           2525           3952
YAML                             22             45             89           1883
SQL                               4              0              0           1405
C                                 3             89             33            450
make                              3             55              8            239
TOML                             14             14             13            164
Bourne Shell                      5             30             22            139
Bourne Again Shell                1             13              9             91
Fish Shell                        1             19             14             70
INI                               2             19              0             68
PowerShell                        1             12              3             46
Dockerfile                        2             24             52             44
C Shell                           1             13              7             35
CSV                               2              0              0              8
SUM:                          15424         585098         429260        2881441