Recipe: code reviews for existing code with GitHub

To me, code reviews are one of the most useful practices of modern software development. It used to be quite tedious to set up tools and a workflow to be able to use them on projects, but with the arrival of PR workflows on platforms like GitHub and GitLab, with built-in code review interfaces, there is no reason not to systematically review code. Make a branch, make a PR, review, merge.

But what if the code to review has already been committed? Sure, GitHub supports commenting on commits, but it becomes quite tedious to have to do this as individual comments scattered across a repository. Instead, here’s a technique I’ve used to leverage GitHub (or GitLab’s) wonderful PR review tools, to look at whole repositories.

Event recording field notes

Here are my notes about low-budget event recording setups for small local tech events that want to reach global audiences.

Discovering legacy projects

Here are some quick notes I put together over the last few months about navigating the uncharted waters of legacy projects. Generally, I think any code that isn’t actively worked on or tested can be considered legacy. The discovery refers to the process of getting to know code that isn’t well understood – for example when onboarding on a new project that has poor documentation.

Celebrating open source with Hacktoberfest

The skies are getting darker, the air is getting colder. It’s October! To counter the winter blues, we had a celebration of open source with Hacktoberfest.