I recently gave a talk at Wagtail Space US 2019 about making Wagtail accessible – an ongoing effort over the last few months. This is a blog post version of the same talk.
Notes from JAMstack conf London 2019
Here are my notes from JAMstack 2019 in London.
Accessibility workshop @ Pixel Pioneers 2019
Today I attended a very good accessibility 101 workshop at Pixel Pioneers 2019. Here are some insights I learned there.
[WIP] The future of (rich text) authoring experiences in Wagtail
Here is a talk I gave at Wagtail Space 2019. The video recording is available on YouTube. The talk was 90% demos so the purpose of this presentation is to share the links.
Patreon: time out!
Hi from Wagtail Space Arnhem! Today feels like a good day for me to do something I’ve been thinking about for a little while: sunsetting my Patreon 😐.