
400 individual members of the Django Software Foundation

As of a few weeks ago, the Django Software Foundation reached 400 individual members.

Line chart of Individual Members of the Django Software Foundation, from 2018 to 2025, going from 150 to 400

I’m really happy with this! And particularly that the pace at which we gain new members is increasing. Those 400 members all contributed to Django’s future. For a community-driven project like ours, individual contributors are essential.

Nominate more people

We really do need more people. 400 members is a lot, but at the scale of Django that’s probably around 0.01% of the framework’s users. Nominate more people, and ask your friends and colleagues to do the same! Of the 152 people who joined the Foundation since October 2023, I nominated 50. It only takes a few minutes.

  1. Read our membership FAQ to know what qualifies for membership.
  2. Fill out the linked form.

If in doubt – please reach out! The TL;DR; of eligibility is we’re looking for people who make substantial or sustained contributions towards the goals of the Django Software Foundation:

  • Support development of Django by sponsoring sprints, meetups, gatherings and community events.
  • Promote the use of Django among the World Wide Web development community.
  • Protect the intellectual property and the framework’s long-term viability.
  • Advance the state of the art in Web development.

Note how that last goal doesn’t even require contributing to Django itself.

Oh and for people who might want a deeper dive, here’s the underlying data for the above chart.