We created a new front-end learning curriculum for Torchbox developers. This is meant to simplify understanding one’s progress through the various competencies relating to front-end development. The focus is on junior and intermediate skills.
High-level overview
This overview states which competencies are important without explaining how to demonstrate them.
- HTML fundamentals [Junior]
- HTML syntax 101
- HTML5 semantics
- Links
- Common meta tags [Junior]
- UX meta tags
- SEO-focused tags
- Performance-focused tags
- Forms [Junior]
- Form controls
- Common form attributes
- Form structure
- Validation
- Autofill
- Templates fundamentals [Junior]
- Template syntax 101
- Template partials
- Template inheritance
- Template debugging
- django-pattern-library basics
- Common HTML patterns [Junior]
- Tables
- Breadcrumbs
- Navigation menu
- Disclosure
- Django Templates [Intermediate]
- Django tags and filters
- Wagtail tags and filters
- Setting context variables
- QuerySets basics
- Templating beyond Django [Intermediate]
- Custom elements
- Vue templates
- Vanilla CSS fundamentals [Junior]
- CSS syntax 101
- Cascading and specificity
- Common sizing units
- Media queries & responsive web design
- CSS variables
- CSS resets
- position property and z-index
- Spacing
- Colors for text and backgrounds
- Cross-browser support 101
- Print stylesheets
- Vanilla CSS conventions [Junior]
- Utility CSS
- CSS tooling fundamentals [Junior]
- Browser DevTools styles panel
- Stylelint
- Sass [Junior]
- Sass syntax 101
- Sass mixins and functions
- Sass variables
- Layout [Intermediate]
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Overflows
- Legacy layout approaches
- Code quality [Intermediate]
- Readable & maintainable styles
- CSS refactorings
- Web typography [Intermediate]
- Font stacks
- Font sizing
- Line height and vertical rhythm
- Responsive typography
- CSS frameworks and libraries [Intermediate]
- Tailwind
- CSS modules
- Industry trends
- Image formats [Junior]
- Images with Wagtail [Junior]
- SVG fundamentals [Junior]
- SVG syntax 101
- SVG optimisation
- SVG [Intermediate]
- SVG editing
- Inline SVGs
- Icons at Torchbox
- Styling SVGs
- Responsive images [Intermediate]
- Image optimisations [Intermediate]
- Semantic HTML fundamentals [Junior]
- Landmarks
- Headings
- Other semantic elements
- Keyboard navigation
- Semantic HTML [Intermediate]
- List semantics
- Accessible name
- Accessibility Guidelines [Junior]
- WCAG overview
- Use of color and contrast
- Animation and motion
- Assistive technologies awareness [Junior]
- Screen readers
- Voice recognition
- Screen magnification
- QA fundamentals [Junior]
- Automated testing basics
- Manual testing basics
- QA [Intermediate]
- Testing strategies
- Manual testing with screen readers
- Design QA
- Vanilla JS fundamentals [Junior]
- JS syntax 101
- ES modules
- Control structures
- Array methods
- Template literals
- Regular expressions 101
- Mutable vs. immutable code
- Async with callbacks and promises
- Error handling
- DOM APIs fundamentals [Junior]
- jQuery basics
- Cross-browser support 101
- Event listeners
- Throttle and debounce
- UI animations with JS
- DOM manipulations
- JS tooling fundamentals [Junior]
- package.json and package-lock.json
- wagtail-kit tooling know-how
- Browser DevTools Console
- Browser DevTools Debugger
- ESLint
- Jest, Babel awareness
- Vanilla JS & DOM APIs [Intermediate]
- Airbnb JavaScript styleguide
- requestAnimationFrame and requestIdleCallback
- Regular expressions usage
- ES modules
- ES6 classes
- Event propagation in the DOM
- TypeScript awareness
- Compile-to-JS languages awareness
- WebAssembly awareness
- npm package quality assessment
- Testing JavaScript fundamentals [Intermediate]
- Jest unit tests 101
- DOM manipulation tests 101
- Jest CLI usage
- Test coverage
- Browser vs. Node testing
- Automated browser testing tools awareness
- Code complexity awareness
- Debugging JavaScript [Intermediate]
- Console APIs
- Breakpoints & step-by-step debugging
- Call stack
- Source maps, transpiling
- JS error monitoring
- Performance issues in JS
- React fundamentals [Junior]
- JSX syntax 101
- TypeScript syntax 101
- React APIs 101
- Component-driven paradigm
- Passing props and PropTypes
- Component lifecycle
- useState
- useEffect
- Passing and using callbacks
- React tooling fundamentals [Junior]
- JSX transforms
- eslint-plugin-react
- React DevTools
- React testing with Jest
- Storybook
- React UI components [Intermediate]
- key prop
- useEffect dependencies
- useCallback usage
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML
- Props spreading anti-patterns
- Vanilla DOM integrations
- Components file structure
- Portal API
- Strict mode
- React state management fundamentals [Intermediate]
- React data flow
- Choosing a state management approach
- Lifting state up
- useState and useReducer usage
- Context APIs
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux DevTools
- TypeScript fundamentals [Intermediate]
- TypeScript lang 101
- TypeScript type annotations syntax
- Custom union types and interfaces
- Generics for arrays
- Typeof and keyof
- Type narrowing & type guards
- React components typing
- React tooling [Intermediate]
- Storybook stories
- React unit tests
- React linting
- DevTools profiler
- Dev & production mode builds
Front-end tooling
- Design tools [Junior]
- Figma prototypes
- Figma editor
- Design systems in Figma
- Node tooling [Junior]
- Node and npm CLI 101
- Prettier
- Webpack 101
- Browser DevTools [Junior]
- Elements
- Rendering settings
- Network
- Cross-browser testing [Junior]
- Browserstack
- Simulators
- Pattern libraries fundamentals [Junior]
- django-pattern-library
- Basic usage
- Defining context
- Storybook awareness
- django-pattern-library
- Pattern libraries usage [Intermediate]
- django-pattern-library
- Tag overrides
- Complex context data
- Storybook
- django-pattern-library
Other web technologies & important concepts
- Web APIs [Intermediate]
- Location
- Service workers
- Full screen API
- Storage: Cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage
- Performance [Intermediate]
- Common issues
- Lighthouse
- Other testing tools
- Monitoring tools
Vanilla HTML
- Can name elements from all of the categories of HTML elements
- Can explain what a
soup is and why we avoid it - Can use the
element to create links, with appropriate attributes
- Can validate their HTML
- Can implement a breadcrumbs pattern
- Can implement a disclosure pattern without
- Can implement Open Graph meta tags and validate the results
- Can implement an HTML table with caption, row headers, column headers
- Can implement a navigation menu
- Can explain how to order meta tags for the best performance
- Can implement a schema.org schema with microdata and JSON-LD and check the results
- Can identify when to implement prefetching / preloading tags and measure the potential improvement
HTML forms [Junior]
- Can create a POST contact us form with text fields and labels in vanilla HTML
- Can create a GET filter form with select and date fields and their labels in vanilla HTML
- Can render a form in a Django template with correct HTML structure
- Can write correct HTML for radios and checkboxes
- Can create simple form validation with HTML attributes
- Can add autocomplete, autocorrect, and other UX-enhancing form field attributes
- Can use the correct input types and attributes for mobile keyboard support
- Can use pattern attributes for validation
- Can implement file inputs
HTML templates
- Can write a valid template with control structures and variables
- Can create, include, and pass data to template partials
- Can explain how template context works and how to troubleshoot it
- Can find the right Django template tags and filters or Wagtail tags/filters for a task and reuse them
- Can set up new components with django-pattern-library
- Can set custom context variables in Python
- Can structure template reuse with inheritance and custom blocks
- Can create custom Django template tags
- Can use HTML templates and custom elements with slots and part and is attributes
- Can convert a Django template with control structures to Vue SFC and React JSX
Vanilla CSS
- Can write CSS selectors, understanding CSS specificity and the cascade
- Knows available properties and units for sizing, spacing, colors.
- Can write adaptive spacing and sizing styles with media queries and relevant sizing units
- Can explain the CSS box model
- Can create simple layouts with Flexbox and Grid, such as centering and 12-col grids with offsets
- Can create stylesheet tweaks for print, forced colors mode, dark themes.
- Can leverage CSS variables and functions to simplify styles
- Can create layouts with legacy approaches such as inline-block and float
- Can create a web-safe font stack
- Can position elements with fixed, sticky, absolute approaches; with an understanding of z-index and stacking contexts
- Can reproduce a designed vertical rhythm in CSS
- Can fix overflow issues with component-specific scrollbars and breaking of long text
CSS in real-world projects
- Understands what a CSS reset does and can use normalize.css
- Can create UIs associating BEM naming conventions and ITCSS file structure
- Can create UIs with utility CSS
- Can explain when to use BEM + ITCSS, when to use utility styles, and how to approach this refactoring
- Knows how to check and troubleshoot browser support for given styles
- Can identify and address issues in an existing stylesheet with DevTools and stylelint
- Can set up stylelint on a new project
- Can use fallbacks and feature detection to style for a variety of browser support levels
- Can configure autoprefixer
- Can refactor a component’s selectors to lower specificity to introduce new variants
- Can refactor a project to introduce a dark theme
Beyond vanilla CSS
- Can use Sass nesting, understanding how it affects output CSS
- Can use Sass variables, functions, mixins, understanding how it affects output CSS
- Understands what Tailwind is and how it is configured
- Can use Sass imports, @use, and other module syntax
- Correctly uses & and the $root pattern when writing nested styles
- Understands what a CSS framework is and how to build with one
- Can use Sass control structures where relevant
- Can write styles in CSS modules
- Can explain what problems CSS-in-JS attempts to solve, and how it does so
- Understands how Tailwind generates its classes
Image fundamentals [Junior]
- Understands the difference between raster and vector images, PNG and JPEG, and when to use each format.
- Can use images in vanilla HTML, CSS, and Django templates.
- Can explain in what scenarios to use images in CSS, vs. hard-coded images in HTML vs. CMS-managed images.
- Can copy SVG from a design tool or icon library for reuse on the project, running it through optimisations
- Can use Wagtail’s image tag as syntax to create a more bespoke rendering of an image
- Understands the advantages and potential issues with modern image formats
- Can use the most appropriate Wagtail image filter depending on the desired effect
- Can explain the major differences between AVIF and JPEG XL.
- Can explain potential security issues with SVG.
SVG in real-world projects [Intermediate]
- Can explain SVG’s coordinates system and the how the viewBox, width, height attributes work together
- Can use SVG as an image tag, inline in the HTML, or with symbol references
- Can use SVG to create basic shapes of different sizes and colours
- Can add a new icon to a SVG icons sprite, with styling of the icon colour, optimising the SVG contents.
- Understands the different techniques to add alternative text to an SVG and their level of support
- Can style a multicolor SVG for dual light and dark themes support
- Can use a path editor to change a custom shape
- Can animate SVG paths with stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset
Image optimisations [Intermediate]
- Understands the difference between lossless and lossy compression, and tools to use to run both types on different formats
- Can use the picture tag to serve an image in modern formats and a fallback, in vanilla HTML and Django templates.
- Can use srcset to serve an image at different sizes
- Can use the picture tag to serve an image in modern formats and a fallback, in vanilla HTML and Django templates.
- Can use the picture tag to serve an image in modern formats and a fallback, in vanilla HTML and Django templates, at different sizes.
- Knows which tools to use to evaluate potential image weight savings.
- Can use image masking techniques to generate highly optimised visuals combining the benefits of multiple formats in a single visual
- Can use the picture tag for art direction
HTML for accessibility
- Can build a page demonstrating correct usage of all landmark elements.
- Can translate a design into the correct heading hierarchy and explain the reasoning for different heading levels.
- Uses anchor, button, and checkbox elements appropriately for interactive components.
- Can explain why “No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA”.
- Can implement the needed ARIA attributes and keyboard experience for a Disclosure pattern.
- Can identify semantic elements and needed ARIA patterns on a design.
- Can explain the difference between different accessible name techniques: aria-label, aria-labelledby, sr-only.
- Can implement the needed ARIA attributes and keyboard experience for the Tabs pattern.
- Can explain the different sources of text for the accessible name computation algorithm.
Accessibility awareness [Junior]
- Can explain the meaning of “WCAG”, “POUR”, and “AAA-level”.
- Knows which WCAG success criteria relate to use of colour and contrast, and can use a tool to check contrast ratios.
- Can explain the difference between the social and medical models of disability.
- Can explain common issues with animation and motion and how to mitigate them.
- Can start a screen reader and navigate through a simple page, with awareness of common issues.
- Can start screen magnification to test a design, with awareness of common issues.
- Can use the VoiceOver rotor and navigate a page by heading or landmark.
- Can use forced-colors mode simulation to test WHCM compatibility, with awareness of common issues.
- Can use voice recognition software to test a page, with awareness of common issues.
Accessibility QA
- Can use a browser extension to run automated accessibility checks.
- Can use a browser extension to run semi-automated accessibility checks for colour, headings, and keyboard support.
- Can navigate a page with the keyboard to identify issues.
- Can use a screen reader to test accessible name and description computation for form fields.
- Can run Pa11y or a similar automated tool to identify accessibility issues.
- Can use touch navigation on a mobile device to test a simple page, with awareness of common issues.
- Understands what “Shift Left” means and what types of testing might be conducted at different phases of a project.
- Can test a design with 400% browser zoom to identify resizing issues.
- Can annotate a design with landmarks, semantic elements, ARIA, and labels for graphical elements requiring them.
Vanilla JavaScript
- Knows fundamental JS concepts: ES modules, control structures, scopes, hoisting, closures, variable declarations, destructuring, rest, spread, template literals
- Knows what Array methods to use for iteration
- Knows how to use the browser DevTools Console panel and a Node REPL
- Can write basic error handling code with exception handling and console APIs
- Understands the purpose of package.json and package-lock.json files and can interpret their basic structure.
- Can write asynchronous code with callbacks, promises, async/await
- Knows how to use the browser DevTools Source panel / debugger.
- Knows all of the ES modules syntax for static imports
- Is aware of TypeScript and understands what static types bring to JavaScript
- Has read the Airbnb JavaScript styleguide
- Is aware of compile-to-JS languages and understands their value proposition: Dart, Elm, CoffeeScript, PureScript, ReasonML, ClojureScript, Opal
- Knows how to assess the quality of a npm package: popularity, support, security, accessibility, performance
JavaScript DOM APIs
- Knows what jQuery does and why it’s no longer relevant
- Can manage DOM event listeners and knows what common performance pitfalls to look out for with user-initiated events
- Can manipulate DOM elements, adding or removing them, setting attributes
- Knows how to manage UI animations with JavaScript
- Can use throttling or debounce for a performance-sensitive event
- Knows about cross-browser support requirements and how to check support for a given technology
- Can use requestAnimationFrame and requestIdleCallback to defer expensive computations
- Understands event propagation in the DOM and when to customise it with stopPropagation, when to rely on bubbling vs capture
- Can use cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage to store data between page loads
- Is aware of Web Components – high-level capabilities and common APIs
- Knows about the MutationObserver and IntersectionObserver APIs
- Can use advanced HTML5 APIs such as location, service workers, fullscreen API
JavaScript QA & troubleshooting
- Can use the different console logging APIs
- Understands the differences between source and output JavaScript, and what source maps are for
- Can write simple unit tests with Jest
- Can test DOM manipulation code with Jest
- Understands what test coverage represents, and how to view it with Jest
- Is aware of tools to automate browser testing
- Knows about code complexity and how to assess it for a given implementation
- Knows how to set and manage breakpoints in the browser DevTools debugger
- Knows what the call stack is and how to navigate up and down the stack in a debugger
- Knows what JS error monitoring is for, and how to use it with Sentry
- Is aware of potential performance issues in JavaScript and options to investigate those issues
React basics
- Can use props to pass data between parent and child components, with default values where needed
- Can use PropTypes or TypeScript to validate a component’s props
- Understands JSX syntax compared to HTML, including the point of the key prop
- Has a high-level understanding of React’s component-driven, declarative UI paradigm, and the component lifecycle
- Can manage local component state with useState
- Can implement a useEffect hook to run code when a component mounts and unmounts
- Understand how useEffect deps behave with primitives vs object references (common issue is when an empty object or array is used as a default value)
- Knows when to use useCallback to have a stable function reference
- Can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to integrate with legacy HTML, understanding the security implications
- Knows what props spreading is and why it should generally be avoided
- Can use refs to integrate with vanilla DOM manipulation
- Can turn on strict mode, understanding what it does in theory, and in practice how it prevents common issues
React tooling
- Understands what a JSX transform is, what popular parsers include one
- Knows about React-specific aspects of Prettier, ESLint, Jest, and how to run those tools
- Can use basic Inspect functionality of the React DevTools to troubleshoot rendering issues
- Knows what different types of testing are possible for React components with tools like Jest and Storybook
- Can update React unit tests and Storybook stories
- Knows about the differences between React’s dev and production modes, as well as StrictMode
- Can write Storybook stories for components from scratch, with appropriate usage of CSF and args APIs
- Can set up and configure React linting with eslint-config-torchbox on a project
- Can write unit tests for components from scratch, with appropriate usage of shallow vs. deep rendering, snapshot testing, and different methods to query sub-elements of a component
- Can use the profiler in the React DevTools to troubleshoot performance issues
React state management fundamentals [Intermediate]
- Understands how React’s data flow differs from two-way data binding
- Knows in what cases to reach for useState, useReducer, Context, and Redux
- Knows what it means to “lift state up” in a React component hierarchy, and how to do it
- Can use useState and useReducer to manage state within components
- Knows about Context APIs to share state indirectly in a component hierarchy
- Can use the Redux DevTools to troubleshoot state storage and propagation issues
- Can set up Redux Toolkit on a new project with a basic slice
- Can troubleshoot a React and Redux data manipulation issue on any project with React & Redux DevTools only
- Can structure API integration code with Redux actions, including loading states and error handling, with or without RTK Query
- Can structure Redux reducers and actions with or without Redux Toolkit with 3+ slices, following the Ducks pattern
TypeScript fundamentals [Intermediate]
- Understands what TypeScript brings compared to vanilla JavaScript
- Can use TypeScript syntax to add type annotations to vanilla JS code with built-in types
- Can define basic custom types with union types and interfaces
- Can use generics for arrays
- Can use the typeof and keyof TypeScript keywords to reduce boilerplate in type definitions
- Can create interfaces for the props and states of React components, including annotations for children
- Understands what type narrowing is and how to implement basic typeof or null check type guards
- Can write custom generic types and conditional types
- Knows about the different ways to type React components and why some are preferred to others
- Understands the performance considerations of type definitions and common mitigations (for example reliance on inference, interfaces vs. type aliases)
- Can write correct module declaration files for APIs of third-party packages
Front-end tooling
Front-end tooling fundamentals
- Knows how to use Figma prototypes, Figma DevTools, the Figma editor, and design system features, in order to re-implement an existing design
- Knows about Prettier, ESLint, Jest, and how to run them
- Understands the npm packages ecosystem and the npm CLI
- Can set up and use the JS tooling on our projects autonomously
- Knows how to use the browser DevTools Elements, Network, and Rendering panels
- Knows how to use BrowSerstack and Simulators to do cross-browser testing
- Knows what Babel and Webpack are for and able to do basic configuration changes such as browser support targets
- Can run Lighthouse to identify possible performance issues
- Can set up DebugBear to monitor front-end performance
- Can explain what each of the Core Web Vitals are
- Can troubleshoot common front-end performance issues with the DevTools
- Can use the DevTools Performance panel
Pattern libraries
- Can explain what a pattern library is and what django-pattern-library does
- Can set up new components and page templates with django-pattern-library, including mocking context
- Understands what Storybook is and when to consider using it
- Can demonstrate multiple variants of a component within django-pattern-library
- Can override tags with django-pattern-library
- Can write Storybook stories
- Can structure Storybook stories, including documentation for components
- Knows about common django-pattern-library pitfalls and how to work around them
- Can use Python to generate data for django-pattern-library stories rather than YAML
- Can set up Storybook addons